Monday 22 July 2013

Scenario #8: Global Warming

(Apocalypse How? #8, 2010)

Recently there has been a lot in the media about this so-called ‘man-made global warming’, which, of all the apocalyptic scenarios we’ve seen so far, seems to be the most realistic. We’ve all heard the dire predictions that have been made for the future of our planet if things continue on their current course: disappearing island nations, increasingly extreme weather patterns, perhaps even the end of humanity as we know it.

Having heard these alarming predictions, I was starting to get a little worried about the whole thing. Thankfully, there’s no need to panic: I can now tell you with 100% confidence that everything’s going to be okay. You see, I did a little research online about this whole ‘global warming’ thing and to be honest, it all seems a little far-fetched. For example, I found a climate-change skeptic blog that offered a small number of pseudo-scientific reasons why global warming may not be real after all. So, I’m convinced. Never mind that I have no real background in scientific research, let alone the highly specialised fields that climate scientists are working in – there’s no reason why my opinion shouldn’t be as valid as theirs. Hey, that’s what free speech is all about, right? All opinions should be respected and given equal weight, even if the people holding them aren’t ‘qualified scientists’ or ‘know what they’re talking about’. 

I know what you’re thinking. How could it be that so many of the world’s top scientists – experts in their respective fields, some of whom have been working on this for decades – could have got it so wrong, whereas yours truly, some guy who did a bit of casual research about it on the internet, could have the whole thing totally sussed out? Well you see, man-made global warming is just a theory, like the theory of gravity, or Pythagoras’ Theorem. No matter how good a theory may seem to these ‘experts’, all it takes is one small piece of data that doesn’t quite fit and BAM! Everything about the theory becomes redundant. That’s why I’ve decided to dedicate myself to bothering real scientists with trivial pieces of ‘counter-evidence’ until they finally see that they’ve made a huge mistake. Don’t forget about the volcanoes, guys!

Hey, did I mention that it’s also a giant conspiracy by the liberal media to force us to conform to their political ideology?

Even if, by some slim chance, global warming is really happening, we don’t actually need to do anything about it – we’ll just sit back and let the market take care of it. Good old ‘the market’, it solves everything! Financial problems? The market will sort it out! Some guy fucking your wife? The market will sort it out! So ignore all those people who like to tell you that the future of the planet is uncertain and encourage you to use less plastic bags, ride on public transport, not shave your legs, blah blah blah… It’s gonna be sweet, bro. Trust me.

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