Wednesday 26 June 2013

STEP 11: Communication

(Brian Dangerfield's 15 Steps to Greatness #10, 2009)

The one thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to communicate. While the warble of a blackbird or the high-pitched squeaks of a dolphin may sound nice, only we humans have turned the sounds we make into the most effective tool known to man: communication. Why is this such a wonderful gift? Well, communication allows us to do all kinds of amazing things, such as sharing ideas, expressing emotion, and negotiating discounts at used-clothing stores. But with such a powerful tool comes a dark side: communication can also be used to insult people, promote hate, and yell obscenities such as “tits out for the boys” from car windows. It is important that we resist the urge to abuse our gift.

Most importantly, though, we need to know how to communicate effectively. Whether in a job interview or just ‘hanging’ with friends, we must have good communication skills. Being able to inform those around you of exactly what you need – and how you need it – to achieve your goals is vital to success. So how does one communicate effectively? First of all, always be sure to clear your throat loudly before communicating, so as to remove any excess materials that may hinder speaking clearly. Be sure not to mumble or talk too quietly – or too loudly, for that matter. Enunciate each syllable clearly. Don’t use slang: you will sound as if you are not taking the situation seriously, and thus others won’t take you seriously. You may be tempted to slip into casual language around your friends, but don’t! This will just lead to bad habits. Not only that, but you should always be able to project your ideas as clearly and firmly as possible, no matter how informal the situation. Finally, under no circumstances should you use obscene language. This is base behaviour and will not be tolerated by anyone.

By now you should have received your Brian Dangerfield audio cassette tapes in the mail. Please insert side B of tape four. You will hear a young man named David talking about his favourite television show, What Now? Listen to the recording twice and then answer the following questions. (Answers are at the bottom of the page).

1) What words does David use to communicate his feelings about What Now?
2) Who is David’s favourite What Now? host? How do we know this?
3) Do you think David communicated his feelings about What Now? effectively?

Now I would like you to write about your own favourite television show, communicating what it is you like about the show and why. Does it make you feel happy, inspired or excited? Is it on Channel One, Two or Three? Make sure to use the skills in the above paragraph. You may send your essay in to me for checking if you wish. Remember, clear and effective communication is as essential to greatness as is the communication of greatness itself to others.

1) Choice, awesome, really cool. 2) Simon Barnett. David says he’s “a really funny guy.” 
3) Yes, he did.

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