Saturday 29 June 2013

STEP 15: Vision

(Brian Dangerfield's 15 Steps to Greatness #13, 2009)

Let’s assume that you’ve stuck with my programme so far. You’re now a well-mannered, cultured young man (or woman) with great communication skills and impeccable personal grooming. You’re not afraid to take a risk when necessary, and the thought of interacting with other people is no longer terrifying. Sounds like you’re finally a success, doesn’t it? Sounds like following my steps really paid off, right? Well, I regret to tell you that reading this column was a complete waste of time. A total joke. A joke, that is, unless you follow my fifteenth and final step, without which everything that came before is worthless.

You see, to succeed in this world you need vision. It doesn’t matter how much of a smooth-talker you are, how many expensive suits you have, or how much hard work and effort you put in. No, what really counts is having the vision to shape your goals and then realise them to their full potential. Would man have landed on the moon, had Neil Armstrong not gazed up at the stars as a small child and declared: “It can be done!”? Could we have the amazing technology we see today, had Alfred Einstein not had the vision to challenge conventional thinking and say that yes, things can travel faster than the speed of light? Would we have all those great songs, had Paul McCartney and a few other likely lads not redefined the definition of ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ with their pioneering group Wings?

If you only take one thing from this series of columns, it should be the importance of true vision. The vision to see a door where others see a wall. The vision to see a blue sky even when the weather forecast predicts a 90% chance of rain. The vision to unwrap your presents when it’s not your birthday. The vision to open your arms to the world and embrace it all: the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the pleasant-smelling and the malodorous. No one can really tell you how to be a success. It can’t be broken down into a series of quick and easy steps. True greatness comes from the vision within you. Only you can decide where you will go in life, and how you will get there. (I don’t mean literally what mode of transport you will take, but more the spiritual journey you will take to reach your goals – though if you are travelling long-distance then I would highly recommend Thai Airways. The food is good and the hostesses are lovely.)

So, this is where I take a step back and let you go. I’ve taken you as far as the beach, now you’ve got to get out and swim. Go on, get in there! Swim out past the breakers, over that flat blue bit and out towards the horizon… of greatness. And when you do finally get to the other side? Tell them Brian sent you. They’ll know what you mean.

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