Tuesday 18 June 2013

STEP 1: The Fundamentals

(Brian Dangerfield's 15 Steps to Greatness #2, 2009)

Hi, Brian Dangerfield here again, with the first step in my twelve-step motivational programme, adapted from my bestselling book Brian Dangerfield’s 15 Steps to Greatness (which is still available from my web-site, www.briandangerfieldbooks.com). Now, I know you can’t wait to get started on my programme, but just slow down there a minute, mister! Before you start training for greatness, you need to have the fundamentals sorted. You see, each step of my programme is like the storey of a house, and the fundamentals are the foundations. If the foundations (fundamentals) aren’t sturdy, then each step (storey) will not have adequate support and the whole thing will come crashing down in a big mess (your life). Luckily, getting the fundamentals right is as simple as MOFOHATTM: MOtivation, FOcus, Health and ATtitude.

MOTIVATION: Life can be tough, and we all need something to get us out of bed in the morning. What is it that motivates you? Academic results? Financial success? To look as handsome as the man on the cover of my book? (Only joking! Of course, I had more hair when that photo was taken…) The thing that keeps me going is my beautiful wife Maria, who is always cooking me delicious meals, taking care of our three children or handing out pamphlets at one of my famous motivational seminars. In the words of the late, great, rapper Jay-Zed, “I’ve got ninety-nine problems, but [my wife] ain’t one.” Find the thing that motivates you and don’t let go!

FOCUS: The modern world is full of distractions. The rise of the inter-nets and other fast-paced entertainments in the last few years has led to a major crisis in attention management.  To get things done, I’m afraid you’ll have to stop ‘texting’ your friends on ‘Facebook’ and really focus on the task at hand. It’ll be tough, but then no one said this would be easy!

HEALTH: To really make the most of each day your body needs to be in prime condition. Get lots of sleep. Eat a balanced diet. Go ‘shoot some hoops’ with a friend now and again. And it’s not just physical health that’s important, but spiritual health too. No more pornography. No more hanging around people with questionable sexual preferences. Just remember my motto: “to be somebody, you need some bod(il)y (health).”

ATTITUDE: Lastly, I want you to stop for a moment and just think. Why do you want to become a success, to achieve greatness? If it’s all about the ego, forget it. I didn’t become a best-selling author and well-respected motivational workshop organiser just to look good. Becoming great isn’t about being better than other people, it’s about increasing the overall greatness of the world around us. If we are great, we can show others who aren’t as great as ourselves how to become as great (as ourselves). Or at least make an attempt because, let’s face it, some people just aren’t up to it. Don’t let that person be you.

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