Saturday 22 June 2013

STEP 6: Meeting People

(Brian Dangerfield's 15 Steps to Greatness #6, 2009)

The more people you know, the better your life will be: that is a scientific fact. If you know a lot of people, you will be invited to many different social events, thus making you feel better about yourself as a person. But, even better, if you meet the right people then they can get you that exclusive job interview, or discount plane tickets, or all sorts of things that can help you on your path to greatness. This is why I truly believe that people are our most valuable resource. So, wouldn’t it be great if we all just knew lots of people? Sadly, it’s not that easy. There is one important step that separates us from knowing and not knowing people, and that step is meeting people. Luckily, the places you can meet people are almost endless: parties, the bus – in fact, anywhere where there are people you don’t already know.

Once you have seen a person that you would like to meet, the procedure is very simple. First, approach them and give your name. Make sure to smile so they know you are well-intentioned. Listen for their name, and make a note of it on a small piece of paper if you have to. Then ask the person a few questions about themselves: family, work, hobbies and where they live are all good topics to begin with. When they respond, be sure to maintain steady eye contact, nod frequently and make noises like “mmm” and “yes, I understand.” This will give them the impression that you are interested in what they have to say. Then, offer your own personal information. Finally, and most importantly, be sure to find out if they are important, or if they know anyone important. If so, get their contact details and make a plan to see them again. Now, I know walking up to strangers and using this method may sound daunting, but you can do it! Now that you’ve learned how to be self-confident from Step Three, it really shouldn’t be hard at all.

I remember when my eldest son Joel moved away from home to study at Victoria University in Wellington. According to what he had told my wife Maria on the phone, he was finding it quite difficult to meet new people and consequently was feeling a bit put out. So, I decided to give him a call myself. “Joel,” I said, “I hear you’ve been having some trouble making new friends. Go on, get your copy of Brian Dangerfield’s 15 Steps to Greatness and we’ll have a little read, shall we?” And we sat there, reading the whole of Chapter Six together, aloud down the phone-line. It was a beautiful moment. After that, Joel’s social life really took off, so much so that he didn’t even have time to call us anymore! So, do you need any more proof that my programme really works?! Didn’t think so! Now, get out there and meet someone new – today! 

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